Learning needs don’t divide themselves between qual and quant, and neither should your research plan. Both techniques have limitations when used alone, even when they’re applied consecutively. Marketers need a one-step solution for solving the challenges of today’s fast-paced decision-making environments.

ACUPOLL LIVE ONLINE™ addresses these challenges with a hybrid approach that leverages the strengths of both methods to deliver insights in a fraction of the time.

Sessions of n=30–100 combine well-controlled quantitative evaluation with our exclusive A.I.-powered Predictive Qualitative™ technique to uncover valuable insights that might be missed with typical quant or qual alone.

Even smaller groups of n=10–20 generate a ton of bias-free input much more efficiently than traditional qual.


We also have the capability to conduct in-person sessions if preferred – for evaluation of products, structural packages, displays, and more.



Conducting separate qualitative and quantitative studies takes longer and deprives you of the wisdom from combining them.

Conventional qualitative studies are prone to group bias or vulnerability to stray comments that aren’t representative.

Qual is too often used for the quantitative objective of evaluating and choosing directions, and is unreliable for that purpose.

Quant doesn’t get as much depth on the “whys,” and is inefficient when you need to iterate your way through a series of changing stimuli.


Hybrid qual + quant research is especially valuable for two use cases:

  • Iterative stimuli optimization with greater confidence than ordinary qual provides (e.g. product ideas, concepts, or ad campaigns)

  • Immersion in a new category, audience, or issue, where the capacity and efficiency of qual+quant provides a tremendous amount of qual and quant insight, quickly

LIVE ONLINE™ Sessions can be conducted for virtually any learning needs:

  • In-depth evaluation of concepts, advertising, packaging, and more

  • Category/Brand Deep-Dive

  • Key Issue Exploration

  • Customer Journey

  • Innovation


Sessions of 30–100 participants accumulate to reliable base sizes for validation — in total and for key segments.

Participants engage simultaneously and anonymously, providing far more diverse perspectives than traditional qualitative techniques.

Capture basic information like brand usage, brand equity, and attitude agreement quantitatively in seconds, allowing more time for in-depth exploration beyond what can be obtained with quality in online surveys.

Proprietary A.I.-powered platform immediately categorizes open-end responses into themes, then participants rate their agreement with each theme, to instantly quantify the qual.

Eliminate ambiguity, identify what is truly important, and ensure that all stakeholders are aligned with the conclusions.

No more waiting for the data — see results in real time, and add follow-up questions “on the fly” for deeper understanding.


ACUPOLL LIVE™ ONLINE Sessions contributed to:

  • #1 Non-Food CPG launch of 2022, reaching more than $2B sales — despite a premium price!

  • Disruptive growth of a CPG client to become the largest acquisition of 2023 ($2.7B)

  • The core messaging for a Top 3 Telecom firm’s Super Bowl Campaign