The status quo — the most ominous place to do business.

Whether an established brand or an upstart, you must change to survive. ACUPOLL has been leading disruption for over 30 years, with better methods that go beyond traditional research capabilities. Check out some of our client successes >

  • Myriad’s national survey for their annual GeneSight Mental Health Monitor reveals crucial insights about depression and anxiety.

    We also managed the Special Election Series leading up to the 2024 Presidential Election to track how politics affect our mental well-being.

  • Ask to see the two sessions we presented along with T-Mobile at Quirk’s Chicago:

    Fueling the 
T-Mobile Uncarrier Growth Story with System 1 Research

    T-Mobile’s Magenta Status Program, Inspired by Revolutionary Qual+Quant Sessions

We take pride in our proactive leadership to devise personalized, out-of-the-box solutions:

  • More precise techniques for evaluating passionate niche launches — today’s growth engines

  • Evaluation of ideas in a more real-world context to pinpoint your best messages across both conscious and non-conscious criteria

  • Hybrid qual+quant sessions for more in-depth exploration and results in real time

  • Customizable tools to solve unique business challenges and answer your toughest questions

    Our MarketDatabase™ Methodology fuels more precise evaluation of concepts, ads, packages, and more with greater focus by segment, more in-depth examination of competitive advantages, and more opportunities to optimize messaging.

    Leveraging cognitive science, we identify the strongest brand messages and new product ideas by measuring “gut reaction” Impulse as well as conscious Reflection – key pathways that drive consumer decisions.

    We pioneered group qual+quant more than 30 years ago. Our flexible, iPad-networked sessions enable dynamic in-person evaluation and rapid iteration of stimuli anywhere in the world. We also offer IDIs and Home Use Tests.

  • LIVE ONLINE & Live Online InFocus
    Combining the confidence of quant with the insight of qual in one step, our proprietary A.I.-powered platform for remote participation is the most agile and actionable qual+quant methodology in the research industry.

    Using our customized techniques and analytics to gain fundamental learning, from A&U to ongoing tracking to actionable segmentation, we solve key strategy and brand questions to help you succeed.

    When you need answers fast, this streamlined version of Navigator™ includes key measures, grades, and opportunities to customize, with results in about a week.

    Our omnibus survey can address virtually any simple business/brand questions (e.g. category preferences, stimuli reactions, attitudes and behaviors, etc.) — all for a surprisingly low cost.


There is no standard research project.

We specialize in highly collaborative, personalized solutions that originate with your objectives.

Acting as a trusted partner, we direct our minds, experience, and resources to your needs.

Our team is battle-tested on the most challenging studies, including:

  • Evaluating 120 concepts online in 8 countries and 5 languages

  • Executing in-person Qual+Quant Sessions in demanding environments like China and Saudia Arabia

  • Helping a Top 3 Food Company put its best foot forward in their Super Bowl campaign

  • Rapidly optimizing an award-winning product that achieved over $1B in U.S sales revenue for Year 1


The people of ACUPOLL know why they’re here.

We exist to solve problems and navigate a rapidly changing world to help brands focus, grow, innovate, and renew. Essential strengths distinguish our company and people:

  • Absolute commitment to client success

  • Proactive leadership and recommendations

  • Surprising flexibility

  • Friendly, responsive, responsible partnership

  • Highly experienced client management team averaging 20+ years industry-wide